Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Designer Office Furniture – Do the Benefits Outweigh the Disadvantages?

Many types of businesses will purchase designer office furniture this year. As with anything, there are advantages and disadvantages. Weighing out the benefits versus the downfalls can help you make an educated decision when you get ready to make a purchase.

There are definitely benefits to having the latest and greatest designs filling your office and reception area. One benefit is the impression that it will leave on your customers or clients. First impressions are crucial to earning the trust and respect of a customer, and there are not many things that will leave a better first impression than stylish, sleek designer or custom furniture from a manufacturer like Ikea, Hon, or Bush. It could make the difference in a repeat customer or a customer that leaves and never comes back. Another benefit is that having the best-looking office furniture can help your perception of your business. It may cause you to take better care of things around the office, which can lead to making more money down the road.

Though there are advantages to having designer office furniture, it does come with a hefty price tag, and that is the main disadvantage. People are in business to make money, and sometimes, profit margins do allow for the budget of forking out tens of thousands of dollars just to make the office “look good.” So, it may be best to start with an office chair or desk that is more affordable, at first, then work your way into what is more appealing to the eyes and ego. Also, shopping online is a great way to find some higher-priced furniture at a discount price. Another disadvantage of designer office furniture is that it is not always the most comfortable option. In other words, the high price you will pay for it is not because of the added comfort it provides. The price is increased because of who made it and how many are available.

For more important tips and advice on office chairs, furniture, and computer desks visit http://www.allaboutofficechairs.com.

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